All Categories - Mindful based Emotional Intelligence!
In the fast-paced world of leadership, there's a common misconception that technical prowess is...
My personal trainer recently sent me a text message, a simple "thank you." At first glance, it...
Everyone wants to avoid burnout. But no one tells you the sneaky things to watch out for. (Ps....
5 ways to eliminate stress in less than 34 seconds (in the middle of your workday, so you can be...
In the corporate world, there's a pervasive myth that emotions have no business in the boardroom....
Hey, fellow work warriors! We've got a secret productivity weapon up our sleeves, and it comes in...
Picture this: the never-ending ping of notifications, tight deadlines that squeeze our time like...
How do you feel right now, envisioning yourself on that beach, with that mop in hand? I feel...
Research shows that leadership is a skill that can be developed. It's not just an innate skill we...
Here's the punch line: We live in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, & ambiguous) where...
Emotions can be strong, powerful, and compelling. They're also natural. Why is it then, In both...
Yes you read that title correct. And guess what? You can take this course. And the BEST news? You...
So I decided to come out with it and share a little bit about my story and how I hit burnout at a...
So here's a hard truth. According to a 2018 Gallup survey, only 34% of employees are engaged and...
The global demonstrations of unity that we are seeing to support Black Lives Matter are powerful....
So first off let's chat practical basics... what is mindfulness and what is emotional...
Meditation is more than the practice on the mat. The benefits overflow into many other areas of...
Let's get super practical....what is mindfulness, and how do you actually be mindful? ...
Hip Hop is a cultural force in the world. The Hip Hop world and genre has evolved, as artists...