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5 ways to eliminate stress in <34 seconds

February 16, 2024

5 ways to eliminate stress in less than 34 seconds

(in the middle of your workday, so you can be a better leader)

My “go-to” techniques when I don’t have time:

1. Music - throw on your favourite jam.
An instant mood shifter!
A few seconds into your favourite song will have you smiling
(because you already know it)

2. Move - throw air punches.
Engages the rational part of your brain.
Also great for releasing anger.

3. Chew gum - reduces cortisol levels.
And increases alertness.
Gets you out of your head and into your body.

4. Massage your forehead - and temples.
Stimulates a relaxation point.

5. Fresh air - open the window.
Increases oxygen = makes your brain function better.

Releasing stress doesn’t need to be a complicated process.
34 seconds is longer than you think.
What matters is how you spend those 34 seconds.

Ps. I have a Spotify playlist with 10 songs that get me PUMPED UP.
Was listening to it on my walk yesterday (pictured here.)
Had me dancing down the street.
No joke.